The Monocle Guide To Good Business


The Monocle Guide To Good Business

The Monocle Guide to Marketing Fashion is an excellent handbook for anyone who wishes to learn about the latest trends and where to find the best deals in clothing. This is one of those rare finds in the fashion world – a book written by someone who actually writes and reads fashion magazines. It is very detailed and at times difficult to understand, but well worth the effort to read.

It is not just about the advice in the book, but also has some really nice fashion marketing strategies that can be very helpful for any business owner, especially small businesses with limited budgets. The Monocle Guide to Fashion Trends was written by Jocelyn Dawes, who is a senior writer for a fashion magazine. She is also the founder of a great line of high end women’s shoes and handbags called Posh Mommy. She is very familiar with what the fashion world is talking about, so you can rely on her words not to air out some rumors or make unwise comments. What she essentially wants to do is help the average business owner to see the forest for the trees. After all, if you can’t beat the man you might as well go wear some monkey leather!

Fashion is a fickle market that changes quickly. There are always something new and “cutting edge” in the fashion world that you need to keep up with. The people that are in charge of this industry are called trendsetters and they tend to rule the high and low. They make their money by watching the trends come and go. If you want to get in on the action and have your own business then The Monocle Guide to Fashion Trends is a must have book for everyone.
